Locatie: Oradea
Inregistat: 03/05/07
Am mai spus ceva despre asta intr-un alt topic deschis mai demult... Ar fi foarte tare daca am putea sa adunam cat mai multe resurse ce le putem folosii la intalnirile noastre. Ma gandesc in primul rand la o seara de tineret... avem nevoie de jocuri, uneori de scenete ori pantomime, dar de multe ori devine monoton si plictisitor sa le tot repetam. Sunt convins ca ar fi o chestie daca ne-am ajuta in privinta asta. Eu unul am nevoie de jocuri, sugestii etc... asa ca astept astfel de lucruri de la voi .
_______________________________________ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" John Piper
14/11/08 22:52
admin forum
 Locatie: Germania
Inregistat: 15/10/05
bornagain a scris:
Am mai spus ceva despre asta intr-un alt topic deschis mai demult... |
si de ce ai mai deschis unul ?
_______________________________________ Every Day Brings New Blessings
15/11/08 10:49
Locatie: Oradea
Inregistat: 03/05/07
pentru ca nimeni n-a postat
_______________________________________ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" John Piper
15/11/08 12:26
admin forum
 Locatie: Germania
Inregistat: 15/10/05
bornagain a scris:
pentru ca nimeni n-a postat |
pai posteaza tu acest mesaj nou acolo .
_______________________________________ Every Day Brings New Blessings
15/11/08 16:15
 Locatie: mures
Inregistat: 20/09/07
bornagain, ce ar fi sa dai o tura pe la 'Meditatii'?Acolo sunt tot felul de povesti interesante ,care merita spusa si discutate.Daca una e prea putin,luati cate 2-3.
_______________________________________ never regret something that once made you smile...
08/12/08 21:20
Locatie: Oradea
Inregistat: 03/05/07
mai mult ma refeream la jocuri decat la meditatii ori chestii ce merita discutate. astea le gasesti foarte usor, jocurile nu.
_______________________________________ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" John Piper
08/12/08 21:45
 Locatie: mures
Inregistat: 20/09/07
aici sunt sigura ca ai cautat deja : http://www.tanarcrestin.net/download_re ... p?cat_id=7.
aici altul :http://www.misiune.ro/categorie/resurse ... ri-tineri/
_______________________________________ never regret something that once made you smile...
08/12/08 21:50
 Locatie: going over Jordan
Inregistat: 08/11/06
jucati ala bala portocala . sa ma gandesc ce am jucat noi la revel : aia cu "eu niciodata nu am facut x chestie" ;Adam si Eva [parca asa se numea ,nume total nepotrivit];jocul cu baba si mosul ;impuls ;un joc in care ne scoteam incaltamintele si trebuia pe intuneric sa ni le gasim pe rand ,pe echipe ; si o chestie in care primeai o palma de frisca in fata [vai ce m-a durut ,a dat asa tare] si altele pe care nu le mai tin minte [alea erau putin mai faine ,in rest astea sunt prea banale si naspa] . Cred ca are citeva o carte cu jocuri ,o sa intreb . Asta vara am gasit o carte cu jocuri super faine ,erau pana in 18 ani dar se puteau juca la tineret ... pacat ca nu o am 
Ultima modificare de RainSong (08/12/08 21:54)
_______________________________________ "se spune ca-i nevoie de curaj pentru-a muri, eu spun ca trebuie curaj pentru-a trai; si stii ca toti oamenii mor, dar nu toti oamenii traiesc .. e greu cand trebuie sa treci zilnic inca un test."
08/12/08 21:53
 Locatie: mures
Inregistat: 20/09/07
RainSong a scris:
aia cu "eu niciodata nu am facut x chestie" |
si ce ati baut?
_______________________________________ never regret something that once made you smile...
08/12/08 21:55
Locatie: Oradea
Inregistat: 03/05/07
merci RainSong ptr. idei. okay april, o sa incep, sper sa se si continue ( desi majoritatea sunt in engleza )
Candy Hunt This game works as a crowd breaker for large groups. Gather a few distinctly different types of candy and tape them under the chairs of your audience before the meeting. Keep in mind when deciding how many types of candy you use that you will want the teams to be as evenly numbered as possible. Have your MC explain the activity as follows:
1. Groups must look underneath their seat, grab the candy bar (or individually wrapped small candy), and then find the other people in the room with that candy bar.
2. Once all team members have found their respective group, they must eat their candy and present their wrappers to one person on the team who will bring them all to the MC.
This gets the crowd up and interacting and provides a boost of energy to your meeting. It is also a good idea to have some high energy back ground music.
Games & Icebreakers Add a Game!
Mixers Something fun to get everyone mingling
Check out our newest mixers • Baseball Team Quiz (MLB) • Battle of The Nuts $1000 Bill Exchange For this game you need to make your own money on your computer (be sure it's clearly phony or it might be a federal offense). Give each person 10 of the bills. They are to try to win as many as possible from their peers by challenging them one on one doing one of three things:
Thumb wrestling Rock, paper, scissors Flipping a coin Rules: You must accept any challenge Sudden death, no two out of three Challenger has to have a coin and is "heads" on the coin toss. *If you are unable or don't want to make play money, see Penny Challenge; it's similar but uses a bunch of pennies.
Ape, Man, Girl This is a variation of the Rock-Scissors-Paper game. Have people pair off. When the signal is given, each person strikes a pose like an ape, man, or girl. Be sure to demonstrate what each looks like ahead of time. The ape beats the girl, man beats the ape, the girl gets the man. Eliminate the losers and pair the winners until you get a champion.
Idea from Youth For Christ
Also see Egg, Chicken, Dinosaur & Ninja, Gun, Gorilla
Barnyard This is a good game to divide into teams for the day/evening. Have pre-made cards for more than enough kids. Come up with as many animals as you want teams that night. If you want four teams, have four animals. If you predict 35 kids that night make forty cards, four groups of ten. Each group of ten cards will have a particular animal written on it (so you will have 10 chicken cards, 10 cow cards, 10 donkey cards and 10 pig cards). Hand out cards randomly to the kids and tell them to not tell anyone their animal. When you give the signal, have them make the sound of their animal as loud as possible until they find their entire group. First group to totally find each other wins.
Put a twist on the game by putting in only ONE card that says "donkey" and giving it to a very secure student (but don't tell him/her they're the only donkey).
After all of the animals have found each other, there will still be one poor kid out there Hee-Hawing his head off to no avail!
Also see Banana Stuff, Clumps, & Your Number Is Up
Baseball Team Quiz (MLB) Like Football Team Quiz on this game page. Either big or small group. For a big group, break up into groups of 4 requiring at least one person on each team to be a little baseball savvy. Pass out one copy of the following list of clues of pro-teams to each team.
For small group, provide one sheet per person. (Answers in parentheses; of course you'll copy this list off without the answers.) The first team to bring their completed list to you wins (or as many as they can come up with). Give prizes to each team member (a candy bar, mug, etc.).
Name the Major League Baseball Team that is described by the word puzzle.
1. Kings and queens are these_________________(Royals) 2. They�re not cowards ________________(Braves) 3. Short for Metros _________________(Mets) 4. Crimson stockings__________________(Red Sox) 5. Physical activities __________________ (Athletics) 6. Satan�s sun beams __________________ (Devil Rays) 7. Nemo�s dad ____________________ (Marlins) 8. Red birds __________________ (Cardinals) 9. Crimson, burgundy, scarlet, etc. ____________ (Reds) 10. Cheese steak sandwiches ____________________ (Phillies) 11. Striped jungle cats _______________________ (Tigers) 12. David rocks their world __________________ (Giants) 13. Elite southern cops; Walker is one ________________ (Rangers) 14. Hard to hit _______________ (Dodgers) 15. Non-colored coverings for your feet __________________ (White Sox) 16. If you won State then you might go here ________________ (Nationals) 17. They make beer _______________ (Brewers) 18. Jack Sparrow and Captain Hook _______________ (Pirates) 19. A mountain chain _______________ (Rockies) 20. Baby bears _______________ (Cubs) 21. Men of the sea _______________ (Mariners) 22. The Jetson�s dog, NASA�s fave team ____________ (Astros) 23. Black and orange birds ______________ (Orioles) 24. Native Americans ___________________ (Indians) 25. Navy, royal or baby + 10th letter of alphabet ____________ (Blue Jays) 26. Spanish for fathers ________________ (Padres) 27. Heavenly beings _______________ (Angels) 28. The North in the Civil War _____________ (Yankees) 29. A girl�s best friend on your non-front, deadly snakes ____________ (Diamond Backs) 30. They look the same _________________ (Twins)
Added by Jason Schmock
Also see Football Team Quiz (NFL)
Battle of The Nuts Messy but simple game for groups under 50. Get a few bags of peanuts in the shell. Give every student one peanut. Have them go around and challenge each other to a BATTLE of the NUTS by simply pressing their peanuts up against each other until one of them breaks the shell. The student with their peanut still intact in their shell is the winner. When there are only two kids left standing, have them come up and battle to the finish! Play energetic music in the background.
Added by Jay Kim
Also see Counting Game
Blow-Pop Necklace Buy enough Blow-Pops (Blow-Pops, not cheap suckers - students have to LIKE what you use) for three times the amount of students and staff you have. Take string or yarn, cut it at arms' width and tie them to the individual "Blow Pops." You now have enough "Blow-Pop" Necklaces for each student and staff to have three.
As students and staff arrive, place three Blow-Pop necklaces on their necks. Inform them that they can not use the word "I" until a designated time (when you usually bring things together and start). If you use the word "I" and someone catches you, they can have one of your Blow-Pop necklaces. This can be quite funny because when someone catches someone else, they usually blow it by saying, "I caught you!" or, "I get one of your necklaces!"
At the end of this time, give away a prize (besides Blow Pops) for the person with the most necklaces.
Feel free to add or subtract from this idea. You can also use "Ring Pops" instead.
Candy Hunt This game works as a crowd breaker for large groups. Gather a few distinctly different types of candy and tape them under the chairs of your audience before the meeting. Keep in mind when deciding how many types of candy you use that you will want the teams to be as evenly numbered as possible. Have your MC explain the activity as follows:
1. Groups must look underneath their seat, grab the candy bar (or individually wrapped small candy), and then find the other people in the room with that candy bar.
2. Once all team members have found their respective group, they must eat their candy and present their wrappers to one person on the team who will bring them all to the MC.
This gets the crowd up and interacting and provides a boost of energy to your meeting. It is also a good idea to have some high energy back ground music.
Clothespin Mixer Pass out about 4-5 clothes pins per kid in the room and instruct them to pin them on their own sleeves. Explain that when the music begins, the object of the game is to get all clothes pins off themselves and on to someone else. Turn off lights and on strobes and music. (You may want to put girls on one side of room and guys on another; guys can get a little frisky sticking clothespins on girls).
Explain that when the lights come on, one or two people should have about 100 pins on them - pull them up and parade the winner.
At the end you won't want them playing with the pins all night during the talk, so dress a tough kid or leader up front in protective gear (motorcycle helmet with face shield, chest protector or thick jacket, turtleneck, scarf, gloves, shin guards, thick pants, etc.); and put a bulls-eye on their chest. Tell everybody to grab all their clothes pins and bring in your human target and play music as they throw or pin their clothes pins at him. Kids can't believe they are doing this, and when you stop the music, all your pins are gathered up at the front.
Added by Young Life
See Clothespin Bite Relay, Clothespins On Face, & other "Musical..." games
Clumps Any size room. Easy game used to divide your group into teams. Simply yell, "Form a group according to . . . (height, hair color, # cavities, # siblings, shirt color, etc.)." If you're looking for a certain number of people per team, just say, "Form a group of 7!" If you end up with a remainder, then have staff go around and divide the leftovers on teams.
Also see Keys & Your Number is Up
Communication Challenge Give everyone a number. They have to arrange themselves in numerical order by communicating with each other without speaking or holding up fingers. They make up their own sub-language or sign-language and it often is pretty amusing. For Round Two, have people arrange themselves in order of birth or in calendar months (like the game, Mute Organization).
Added by Youth For Christ
Also see Inversion, Mute Organization, & Numbers Race
Dollar Surprise Mingling game. One or two people have a dollar. Everyone goes around shaking hands. Persons with dollar pass dollar off to tenth person he shakes hands with. Keep going...if you get the dollar, pass off to tenth person. When music stops, person with dollar keeps it.
Added by Young Life
Also see Hi, My Name Is & Mingle for Money
Ultima modificare de bornagain (09/12/08 15:35)
_______________________________________ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" John Piper
09/12/08 15:31
Locatie: Oradea
Inregistat: 03/05/07
Find Someone Who Great for large or small groups. Give out the "Find Someone Who" list to students and have them go from student to student looking for someone who meets the descriptions on their list.
Example: Find someone who is wearing blue pants. The student who fits this description signs their name. Students then go off to find someone else that meets another description on their list. The winner is the one who has their sheet filled out first and most accurately. You should read aloud the list with the person's name who signed it. Have the student who signed the list verify the information.
Example: Find someone who can belch the alphabet. If Joe signed that item, have Joe come up and demonstrate.
Items needed:
• Find Someone List (make one up and make enough copies for everyone.)
• Pencils or pens
• Find someone who has a birthday in February and have him/her sign their initials here. ______________________
• Find someone who has been to Colorado before and leapfrog over him/her. Then have the person initial here._____________________
• Get seven leaders to sign the back of this sheet.
• Find someone who has a birthday this month and sing "Happy Birthday" to them Have the person initial here.___________________
• Find someone to listen to you say "toy boat" ten times quickly. Then have them initial here.____________________
• Get three other people to link arms with you and do the cheer "lean to the left, lean to the right, stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight!" Have each person initial here.____________________________
• Give someone your ugliest face and have them initial here.__________________
• With two other people, face the front of the room, put your hand over your heart, and say the "Pledge of Allegiance" in unison. Initial each other's papers.___________________
• Have someone tell you about the best Christmas gift they ever received. Then have them initial here.____________________
• Get a hair over 5 inches long from someone else's head. Let them pull it out. Have the person initial here._________________
• Give someone a backrub and have them initial here.___________________
• Find someone who has blue eyes and have them initial here.__________________
• Find someone who is left-handed and have them initial here.________________
Find Someone Who Bingo Same as Find Someone Who (above on this game list) but the "Find Someone Who's" are organized in Bingo rows on a piece of paper (a Find Someone Who Bingo Card). First one to get 5 across, down or diagonal wins.
Football Team Quiz (NFL) Either big or small group. For a big group, break up into groups of 4 requiring at least one person on each team to be a football fan. Pass out one copy of the following list of clues of pro-teams to each team.
For small group, provide one sheet per person. (Answers in parentheses; of course you'll copy this list off without the answers.) The first team to bring their completed list to you wins (or as many as they can come up with). Give prizes to each team member (a candy bar, mug, etc.).
What are these pro football teams???
NFL NAME QUIZ Based on the clues, figure out the names of the NFL teams.
1. A dollar for corn (Buccaneers) 2. Native American epidermis (Redskins) 3. Sun-tanned bodies (Browns) 4. What you pay (Bills) 5. They don't dodge or male goats (Rams) 6. 747, B1B, Concorde, F15... (Jets) 7. 7 Squared (49ers) 8. David could stone them (Giants) 9. Iron workers (Steelers) 10. Black birds of prey (Falcons) 11. Norse warriors (Vikings) 12. Kodiak, black, polar, koala... (Bears) 13. Not sinners but... (Saints) 14. Red birds (Cardinals) 15. Rodeo animals (Broncos) 16. Native American Leaders (Chiefs) 17. Called bald (Eagles) 18. Ocean going birds (Seahawks) 19. Hostile invaders (Raiders) 20. Credit card users (Chargers) 21. Boxers (Packers) 22. King of beasts (Lions) 23. Look like fish, but are mammals (Dolphins) 24. One-time British enemies (Patriots) 25. American gauchos (Cowboys) 26. Certain type of tiger (Bengals) 27. Young and fast horses (Colts) 28. People from the Lone Star State (Texans) 29. Spotted cats or expensive cars (Jaguars) 30. Heavy breathers (play on phonics) (Panthers) 31. Large birds of the crow family (Ravens) 32. Remember them (Titans)
Updated (Sep 2004) by Jason Schmock
Also see Baseball Team Quiz (MLB)
Four Corners Any size room. Choose an assistant, preferably a leader, to come up front. The assistant will turn his or her back from the group or put on a blind fold. Then explain that the entire group must choose to stand in one of the four corners of the room which are numbered from 1 to 4. The assistant will then yell out a number from 1 to 4 and everyone in that corner must have a seat. Once those people have a seat people in the remaining 3 corners are given time to switch corners to any of the 4 corners. Then another number is yelled out and those students sit down.
Keep calling out corners and having them switch around until there is only one or a few people who are the winners. It gets the whole group moving and having fun and takes no preparation to play.
Added by Scott Williams
Four on a Couch Great Small Group Game: Create a circle with chairs and one couch - enough seats for everyone playing plus one extra seat. 2 girls and 2 guys start off by sitting on the couch; everyone else in the chairs. Give every person playing a paper to write their name on. They are to turn their names in to you.
Mix the names up and redistribute them back to the youth, making sure no one gets their own name. They are not to tell which name they have. The purpose of the game is for the guys to get all 4 guys on the couch and the girls to get all 4 girls on the couch. The person to the left of the empty seat calls out a name of someone in the circle. Whoever is HOLDING THAT NAME (not the one whose name it is, i.e John calls Amy's name, and Jeff is holding Amy's name.) gets up and sits on the empty chair. The person who called the name and the person who sat on the chair, then exchange papers with names on it (that way the same name does not stay with the same person, it makes it more challenging). The person to the left of the new empty seat calls a new name. (the same name cannot be repeated 2x in a row)
Again, the purpose is for the guys to get the 2 girls off the couch and vice versa. This is a really fun game but it can last a long time.
Added by Leah
Getting To Know It Split the group into girls and guys. (Leader's are excluded, as you will be the panel of judges.) Put teams on opposite sides of the room. Dedicate one person from each group to be "it". Give each group 5 minutes to find out as much about "it" as they can. After 5 minutes, have each person go around and say something about "it". (It may be something they like, something they don't like, something have done, etc.)
Once each group has had a chance to speak, the panel of judges (leaders) will ask some questions to each group. If the group can answer them, that is good and looked highly upon. After the judges are done asking questions, they will decide on who had better information about the person. It's up to you if you want to judge strictly by opinion, panel vote (holding up fingers or cards to indicate "Team 1" or "2"), or award points with the higher points winning.
Encourage each group to not make all the information physical, such as hair color or eye color.
Sample questions: 1. What is your favorite pizza? 2. What is your favorite kind of weather and why? 3. If you could go anywhere on a vacation for a week, where would you go? 4. What would you do with $1,000 dollars cash? 5. Share a moment in your life when you remember being the most happy. 6. Share a moment in your life when you were really mad. 7. Share an embarrassing moment?
Added by Nicole
_______________________________________ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" John Piper
09/12/08 15:37
Locatie: Oradea
Inregistat: 03/05/07
The Point: Getting To Know You, Communication
Also see Getting To Know You, Getting To Know You Better, Identity Circle, Nam Toss, Questionnaire Game, This & That, & Who Is It?
Getting To Know You Better Divide into 2 even teams. For larger groups, divide into 4 teams and have a play-off with the 2 winning teams and 2 losing teams. Give each person a blank 3x5 card (or piece of paper) and have them write 5 little known facts about themselves and sign their name. Examples: I have a pet snake; my middle name is Hortense; I was born in Mexico City; I hate pizza; the carpet in my bedroom is green.
Collect all the cards and keep separate stacks for each team. The game is now ready to play.
The object is for students to name the person on the card that the leader draws (from the other team�s stack of cards) in as few clues as possible. Begin by opening up the bidding between the teams, for example: "We can name that person in five clues!" or, "We can name that person in four clues!" etc. The team that wins the bidding has five seconds to guess after the reading of the appropriate number of clues. The Point: Great game for getting to know students after a summer break, an influx of new students, or if you just started leading a group.
Added by Young Life
Also see Getting To Know It, Getting To Know You, Identity Circle, Name Tag Mixer, Name Toss, Questionnaire Game, This & That, & Who Is It?
Give Yourself A Hand! Items Needed: Paper, Markers or Ink pens, Safety Pins
You can either pre-make paper hands or have each participant trace their own hand on paper and pin it on their back. Then the whole group walks around and writes a one word POSITIVE description of the person whose back they are writing on. (ex. Nice, Pretty, Fun, Exciting, Loving, Kindhearted, etc.)
Allow enough time, depending on group size, for everyone to circulate. Then have students come up front and read what everyone said about them.
The Point: Motivator for positive self esteem.
Added by Sylvia Tucker
Hi, My Name Is Plant several people in your crowd who have a one dollar bill, a certificate to something, or any prize of your liking. Tell everyone that they need to go and introduce themselves to and learn the names of as many people as they can meet. Have your "planted people" give the prize to the 15th person that introduces themselves to them. Once the prizes have been given, announce who received them and who had the prizes.
The Point: A great get to know you game!
Also see Dollar Surprise & Mingle For Money
Hug Fest Instruct your whole group to walk randomly around the room. About every ten seconds or so, call out a number. Everyone in the game must immediately form a group hug made up of the number of people that you called.
This sometimes leaves some people unable to form a group because they don�t have enough people � they are out of the game. Repeat until you only have two people left and declare them the winners.
Like musical chairs, play upbeat music between calling out numbers.
Added by Young Life
Also see Body Parts & other "Musical..." games
Human Typewriters Pin a large card bearing a letter of the alphabet to each person�s arm. Give each person a small card and a pencil. The goal is for letters to get together and spell words. Once they�ve spelled a word, they write it on their card.
Then separate everyone and look for new words. Award points for each real word and a prize to the longest list of words. Make sure no one tries to exclude vowels or certain consonants!
Added by Young Life
Also see Human Scrabble & Human Scrabble For Dummies
Jelly Bean Trade Everyone for themself. Everyone is handed 10 jelly beans. They are to try to get 10 of one color by trading with other people one at a time. First person to get all ten of a color they want wins.
Also see M & M Scarf
Lengths Of String Mixer Everyone gets a length of string. Each string is the same length as one other person in the room. Students have to match up with their partner.
The Point: Discussion starter. Once matched, you can ask a pre-typed question for the partners to discuss.
Idea by Young Life
Mute Organization Simply announce that you want everyone lined up across the room by birth date. Only catch: no talking. Once they are all lined up, ask certain people their birthdays just to be sure.
You can have them do the same thing, but by shoe size, height, etc.
The Point: Communication
Also see Communication Challenge, Inversion, & Numbers Race
Name Game 2 Small group game. Provide pencils and index cards. As each person arrives have them write their name clearly on an index card. Tape card to their back.
Give everyone another index card. On "Go!" with hyped music in the background, everyone copies names off backs of other people, while trying to keep them from seeing the card on their own back.
Determine a time limit and give a prize to the person w/the most names on their card.
The Point: Getting to Know You
Also see Alphabet Game, Atlas, Name Game, & Name Tag Mixer.
Name Tag Mixer Before kids arrive, prepare name-tags by writing an easy-to-read number on each one. Also prepare slips of paper with instructions such as "Introduce #4 to #12, "Find out #7�s favorite pizza topping," "Shake hands with #5 and #13," and so on. Don�t use numbers higher than the number of kids expected. It�s better to make instructions for #1 to #10 and have duplicate name- tags for #1, #2, #3, and so on. Give kids a name-tag and slip of paper, then send them out to complete their assignment.
Also see Alphabet Game, Atlas, Name Game, & Name Tag Mixer.
Newspaper Name Nail (aka Whomp'em) Small Group mixer. Have everyone sit in a circle or something as close as you can get. Then, have each person give their name and make sure each name is clearly said so that all others can hear it. After going through the names once or even twice, have someone start in the middle by asking someone to call the name of someone in the room. The person in the middle proceeds to find the person and try to whop'em with a rolled up newspaper (or pillow) before that person can say both their name and someone else's name in the room.
If they get whomped before they can say their name and someone else's name, they are now "it". Also, if the person whose name is called fails to say both their name and another person's name, they will have to be it. The person who is in the middle takes the place of the person they whoop. This helps people learn each others name and mixes kids around with each other.
Items needed: Rolled up newspaper or pillow (preferable.)
Also see Big Bootie, Getting To Know It, Getting To Know You, Getting To Know You Better, Identity Circle, Name Tag Mixer, Name Toss, Who Is It?, & Who Hit Me?
Ninja, Gun, Gorilla Same as �Rock-Scissors-Paper�, only you use your whole body. Play it up huge, having someone demonstrate each: ninja-guy in karate stance yelling �waaaaa!�; gun-hold finger gun and say �BANG!�; gorilla-arms in air & beating chest, saying �ooo, ooo, ahh, ahh, ahh!�
Ninja beats gun. Gun beats gorilla Gorilla beats ninja.
Keep going until all are eliminated; fun to find a champ. It helps to have the students who are out to go to the outside and the people still playing in the middle.
Added by Young Life
Also see Ape, Man, Girl & Egg, Chicken, Dinosaur
Organized Mingling Mixer Get an even amount of students and staff in the room. (Add staff as needed to make the number even.)
Students and staff mingle to music and shake hands. When the music stops, everyone must find another person and shake hands. The leader calls out a question they must ask of whomever they are shaking hands. Use fun and serious questions.
Sample Questions: 1. What is your favorite pizza?
2. What is your favorite kind of weather and why?
3. If you could go anywhere on a vacation for a week, where would you go?
4. What would you do with $1,000 dollars cash right now?
5. Share a moment in your life where you remember being the most happy.
6. Share a moment in your life where you were really sad.
Hint: You can use questions that will kick off that night's discussion.
Submitted by Young Life
The Point: Getting to know you
Also see Getting To Know You, Getting To Know You Better, & other "Musical - " games
_______________________________________ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" John Piper
09/12/08 15:38
Locatie: Oradea
Inregistat: 03/05/07
Penny on the Chin Mixer Give each student a penny and have them find a partner. They must hold the penny between their lip and chin without using their hands. Have them stand back to back. On the count of three they turn and face each other. The first one to drop their penny is out and must sit down. The winner then finds a new partner and moves on. Go until someone wins. Find new partners and eliminate to final couple. If there is a tie, both have to sit down. Play fun music, starting and stopping each round.
Idea from Young Life
Also see Penny Challenge
Puzzle Mixer As students arrive, give them each the piece to a kid�s jigsaw puzzle (minimum 10 pcs, maximum 25). If you have extras left over, place them back into the correct puzzle frames. Put all frames in the center of the room. Have students locate the correct puzzles to which their pieces belong. The first group to completely put a puzzle together wins. (Great mixer which also serves as a tool for dividing teams)
Added by Young Life
Questionnaire Game For this game you'll need as many pens as students and a pre-typed/copied questionnaire.
Have all your students fill out an anonymous questionnaire when they come in, with questions/statements like, "My favorite band is.." "My dream car is...". Once finished, pass the questionnaires out randomly (to someone different than the person who filled it out) and yell "Go!" Students have to walk around asking each other questions, trying to find whose questionnaire they have.
The Point: Getting to know you
Also see Getting to Know It, Getting to Know You, & Getting to Know You Better
Real Identity Great "getting to know you" and memory game. Everyone is in a circle and each takes a turn saying their name and something about themself (example, "Hi, I'm John and I play football"). The next person needs to say the previous person's name and item of interest before saying their own (example, "He's John, he plays football and I'm Mary and I torture small animals"). As this game moves on, people need to remember more and more information. With bigger groups you can have them only repeat the names to save time.
Also see Secret Identity, Getting to Know You, & Getting to Know You Better
Ro-Sham-Bo Train Everyone grab a partner. Rock paper scissors - if you lose you go follow behind the person that beat you and they will do it again with another pair. Keep this up. A large train will build behind the people that keep winning. Eventually someone will have everyone behind him. He or she wins a prize.
Secret Identity (aka, Who's On My Back?) Have everyone secretly write down the name of a person on a small piece of paper or a sticker. It has to be a person that everyone in the room would know about - a famous historical figure, an actor or sports celebrity, or a popular politician. Then have them tape the name on the back of the person on their left.
Everyone goes around and asks people yes or no questions about who is on their back. They can only ask each person one question. The person who can do it in the least number of asks wins.
Shoe Pile Have everyone take off one of their shoes and throw it into a big pile. You might even designate someone as the Shoe Salad Tosser, instructing them to mess up the pile, so people can't remember where certain shoes landed in the pile. Then everyone needs to pick out a shoe from the pile and proceed to find the person who belongs to that shoe. This works well for a large group.
Option II: The other option is to put everyone's shoes in the pile and instruct them that they each need to get their own shoe, put it on, tie it, and stand back up. First one standing is the winner.
Idea from Youth For Christ
Shuffle The Deck Mixer Hand everyone a playing card as they come in. During the mixer call out different combinations that they have to form a group with. Example: four of a kind, a flush, two pairs, etc.
Option: Once they get in their group, have them answer a pre-planned ice-breaker question. It could be something fun and related or unrelated to the discussion that night.
Submitted by Young Life
Also see TP Tell All
This & That Quick small group opener/activity--just a fun way of getting to know each other a little better.
Get into a circle and select someone to begin, then move clockwise around the circle. The first person says two similar items like pizza and ice cream (both foods). The second person has to say the thing they like better out of the two - in 3 seconds or less. If they make the time limit they get to say two things to the next person. But if they don't make it, the next person says two items, and so on . . .
Added by Ethan Rogers
*Also see Getting To Know It, Getting to Know You, & Getting To Know You Better
This Game Stinks! Provide 12 film canisters (or similar small containers) for as many students as you have playing. Fill film canisters with different smells. Try 12 different smells (12 teams of 4-5 students), and 5 canisters of each scent (one for each team member).
Apply scents on cotton balls. For example, tuna oil, sauerkraut, vinegar, limburger cheese - the smellier, the better.
On "Go!" with fun music in the background, have students find the 5 other people who have the same scent as theirs.
Added by Sharon Swinerton
For other fun mixers, click on http://www.thesource4ym.com/games/mixers.asp
Toe Fencing All the players pair off, lock hands, and try to tap the top of one of their partner�s feet with their own feet. In other words, one player tries to step on the other player�s foot while their hands are clasped. Of course, since players are also trying to avoid having their feet stepped on, they are all hopping around the floor in a frantic dance.
When a player has had his foot tapped three times, he is out of the game, and the winning partner challenges another winner. The game continues until only one person is left (or until the music runs out).
Added by Young Life
TP Tell All Large Group: Divide into groups of about 15. (Could do this by way of another mixer game that divides the kids into groups - ex. Barnyard). Hand each group a roll of toilet paper with the instruction that each person is to "tear off as much as he/she needs" with no clarification. Once everyone has their tp squares, in their groups, each person must tell one fact about themselves for every square of TP they tore off.
Small Group: Divide into groups of between 3 and 5. Hand each group a roll of toilet paper with the instruction that each person is to "tear off between 3 and 5 sheets" with no clarification. Once everyone has their tp squares, in their groups, each person must tell one fact about themselves for every square of TP they tore off.
The Point: Getting to know you. Added by Mack McFarland
*Also see Shuffle The Deck Mixer
Twister Testimony Every 'spot' is numbered and a list of questions about one's testimony and faith corresponds to each number.
Examples: When did you become a Christian?, How have you shown or been shown grace recently?, and random questions such as, Which do you prefer, Burger King or McDonald�s? and What's your favorite chat-up line?
Added by Anna Tipping
_______________________________________ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" John Piper
09/12/08 15:40
Locatie: Oradea
Inregistat: 03/05/07
Valentine Candy Mixer Pass out valentine "conversational" heart candy to everyone, then split up into groups and have each group come up with a poem or funny story using what it says on their hearts.
Added by Young Life
Also see Valentine Toe Freezer
Your Number is Up Great for dividing into teams. Instruct your whole group to walk randomly around the room. About every ten seconds or so, call out a number. Everyone in the game must immediately form a group hug, made up of the number of people that you called. This sometimes leaves some people unable to form a group because they don't have enough people � they are out of the game. Repeat until you only have two people left and declare them the winners.
Also see Clumps
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Anywhere Games Games that don't require a big room
Check out our newest anywhere games • Baseball Team Quiz (MLB) • Battle of The Nuts • Cereal Box Pick Up $1000 Bill Exchange For this game you need to make your own money on your computer (be sure it's clearly phony or it might be a federal offense). Give each person 10 of the bills. They are to try to win as many as possible from their peers by challenging them one on one doing one of three things:
Thumb wrestling Rock, paper, scissors Flipping a coin Rules: You must accept any challenge Sudden death, no two out of three Challenger has to have a coin and is "heads" on the coin toss. *If you are unable or don't want to make play money, see Penny Challenge; it's similar but uses a bunch of pennies.
Alphabet Getting to Know You As people enter the room, give everyone a pre-typed sheet of paper with each letter of the alphabet (x-optional) on the vertical left side.
Example: A____________ B____________ C____________ D____________
Everyone attempts to find out something about others that starts with one of the letters.
Examples: Jamal broke his arm in 6th grade. Alana plays basketball. Nissa�s favorite candy is Snickers. Evan�s dad is a dentist.
Put the person�s name and info on a line. Cannot use the same person for more than four times. Set a 5-7 minute time limit and see who has the most. Have several (small group, have all) people share interesting discoveries about each other.
The Point: Getting to Know You
Also see Alphabet Game & Alphabet Pockets
Alphabet Pockets Divide into teams of 4 or 5. Everyone on the team searches through their own pockets, wallets, pocketbooks, etc. The group tries to come up with one possession which begins with each letter of the alphabet. The winning team is the one to have objects representing the most letters.
The Point: Teamwork, cooperation, and creativity.
Added by Young Life
Alphabet Soup Split your group into several teams. Give each team a platter and a few cans of alphabet soup, or for a less messy option, a box of ALPHABITS cereal. Each team must sift through the goo to spell words or make numbers.
You can give points a number of ways: - words of three letters - words of four letters - words with five or more letters - Churches can give students high points for spelling spiritual words - the biggest word gets a lot of points - leaders name gets high points as well
They are given a time frame to do this (maybe 5 minutes or so). No curse words or body parts.
Added by Frank Salvatore
Also see Alphabet Crosswords & Alphabet Soup
A-maze-ing! Choose two competitors. One is taken out of the room. The other has 1-3 minutes (depending on the size of your group) to arrange a maze, using all the people in the room. The maze can be as creative and complicated as he/she wants as long as there�s a beginning and end.
After the maze is arranged, bring in the 2nd person blindfolded and let them go. See how long it takes them to make it to the end of the human maze.
Repeat the process switching the two competitors.
Variation: Especially if you have a small group (under 30) use chairs as well as people to create the maze.
The Point: You could use this game as a kickstarter with a discussion about friends leading you down the wrong path or finding God's will.
Important Note: Do not play this game if you have a rough group of kids. They may hit or trip the blindfolded person as they are trying to find their way through the maze and it could quickly become violent (too much like the game of Gauntlet.)
Ankle Balloon Pop Give everyone a balloon and a piece of string or yarn. Have them blow up the balloon and tie it to their ankle. Then announce that they are to try to stomp out other people's balloons while keeping their own safe. Last person with a blown up balloon wins.
Annika's revenge Golfer Annika Sorenstam became the first woman golfer in 48 years to compete in a PGA Tour event. Although she did not make the weekend cut, her performance was no less exceptional.
Rules: This is a boys vs. girls game. Two players on each team. Set up on stage one of those 10 foot long putting practice greens. It should be easy to find an avid golfer who owns one. If not, they only cost around $20 at Wal-Mart. Each player gets 5 putts. Alternate putts boy/girl. If the player makes the putt their teammate gets to do a gag to their opponent of the opposite sex. You pick the gag. You can: have them crack an egg over their opponents head, pour chocolate syrup on them, shoot them with a super soaker, or whatever. If the player misses the putt, the other team gets to do the gag on the teammate. Give a goofy prize at the end, (like a chocolate golf ball). You might want to give the girls an advantage, like make the guys putt opposite handed or have the girls stand closer to the hole.
Ape, Man, Girl This is a variation of the Rock-Scissors-Paper game. Have people pair off. When the signal is given, each person strikes a pose like an ape, man, or girl. Be sure to demonstrate what each looks like ahead of time. The ape beats the girl, man beats the ape, the girl gets the man. Eliminate the losers and pair the winners until you get a champion.
Idea from Youth For Christ
Also see Egg, Chicken, Dinosaur & Ninja, Gun, Gorilla
Ask The Sage A good game for jr high. Ask several volunteers to agree to be "Wise Sages" for the evening. Ask them to dress up (optional) and wait in several different rooms in your facility. The farther apart the Sages are the better. Next, prepare a sheet for each youth that has questions that only a "Sage" would be able to answer. They can be fun, silly, serious or related to your talk. Each Sage should have the answer to only one or two questions.
The game works like this: give out your question sheet and a pen to each youth. They must look for the Sages throughout the building. They are allowed to open the door and check to see if a Sage is there. If there is, they must close the door and petition the Sage to grant him or her an audience. They do this by saying these exact words..."OH GREAT WISE SAGE, MAY I ENTER?" If they mess up this phrase, the Sage will tell them to come back later. Youth must go from Sage to Sage and cannot go to the same Sage twice in a row.
If the youth gains an audience with a sage, He may ask a question, but once again, he/she must use the correct phrase..."OH GREAT WISE SAGE...(And then the Question)". If they fail to say the correct phrase, the Sage would say something like this..."You have not asked correctly". If the question is phrased correctly, then the Sage may answer. If the Sage does not know the answer to THAT question, the Sage should say something like... "I truly do not know". In that case, the youth should make note not to ask that Sage the same question again.
If the question is asked correctly, and the Sage knows the answer, then the youth gets a correct answer.
The first youth with all the answers wins. This game stretches youth to be very deliberate with their words.
Added by Shane Peters
Atlas Good small group or travel game.
Either in seat order or in a circle, the first person says the name of any city, river, ocean, or mountain that could be found in an atlas. The next person must say another place that starts with the last letter of the place previously said. 10 second limit and no place can be repeated.
Examples: Denver Rhode Island Denmark Kenya
Also see Alphabet Game
Baby Food/Hot Potato with a Twist You play this game just like hot potato, with everyone sitting in a circle. The twist is you use jars of baby food. When the music starts, you begin passing the jar of baby food around the circle. When the music stops, whoever is left holding the jar has to take a spoonful. We use this game for special occasions, such as Thanksgiving, and use flavors such as turkey and gravy, sweet potato, green beans, etc.
*Just in case, be prepared for someone to throw up.
Added by Brian Phillips
Back Artist - aka Touch Telephone This game is based on the old "telephone game" but involves touch rather than hearing. No talking is allowed. Divide the group into teams of about six each. Each team sits in a line, one behind the other. The last person is shown a simple hand drawn picture of an object such as a house, a cat, or a Christmas tree, for example. The person who is shown the drawing then tries to draw an exact copy of it, using their fingers, on the back of the person in front of them.
The drawing can only be done once. The second person then draws what they felt onto the back of the person in front of them. This continues until it gets to the person at the front of the line, that person then must draw what he or she felt, on a piece of paper. The team whose picture most resembles the original wins that round.
Added by Young Life
Back to Back This is the game where you start out with two people sitting back to back and they have to stand straight up without using their hands. Add one person every time they stand up successfully. Our record is ten!
Added by Greg Cates
Balloon & Elastic Tangle Form teams of an even number. Prepare a balloon and a ring of elastic for each team. The elastic needs to form a circle big enough to go over a student�s body, but not so big that it�s too easy. Each teen must then keep the balloon off the ground while putting the elastic over their head, pulling their arms through and passing it down their legs and lastly taking it off from around their feet.
The balloon must not touch the ground and if it does they must start again. You can also put the elastic over the feet first and play in reverse. The youth then hands the balloon and elastic to the next player. The first team finished wins. (Use elastic that you might use in pants not hat elastic).
Added by Amanda in Australia
Balloon Defense Buy two different colored balloons, 25 to 50 of each for two teams of play. Choose colors according to the closest holiday or anything relevant (opposing school colors if you're in a small town).
Form two teams. Each team must defend its treasure (a pile of balloons) while attempting to steal or destroy the other team's treasure. Use one color of balloons for one team, and another color for the other team. Designate a time period (five to 10 minutes) to play the game. When the time ends, each team's unpopped balloons count 100 points each. Stolen, unpopped balloons count 200 points each.
Also see our other "Balloon..." games
Balloon Master Any size group, all play or upfront.
Small Group/All Play: Divide the group into 2 or more teams with 3-4 people on each team.
Large Group/Up Front: Choose 2-4 five-person teams.
Give each team a roll of masking tape and 30 balloons. On "Go!" have members of each team roll the masking tape (sticky side out) around one of their teammates below the neckline. Next, have kids blow up their balloons as quickly as they can and stick as many as possible to the taped-up team member. You can either end game here awarding the Balloon Master to the one with the most balloons attached in the time allotted. Or you can set up an obstacle course and when the balloons have been attached, have the player go through and back to their team. Balloons that fall of during the race can�t be re-attached. The team whose player has the most balloons still attached is the Balloon Master.
Idea from Young Life
_______________________________________ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" John Piper
09/12/08 15:40
Locatie: Oradea
Inregistat: 03/05/07
Balloon Pass Smash Provide one balloon for each person in the group, several different coins with different values, different dates, different state quarters, etc.)
PREP: Blow up the balloons and put a coin in each one.
PLAY: This is done like musical chairs, except the balloon is passed from person to person to music instead of the person moving. When the music stops the person (or people for a large group using several balloons at once) who has a balloon has to pop it and take the coin. This keeps going till everyone has popped a balloon and has a coin. The last person pops one too. Then based on the types of coins, students are arranged into groups or seating order.
MIX IT UP: Change the way the balloon is passed every time. Ex. �Over your head!�, �Under your legs!�, Behind your back, around your waist!�
The Point For A Small Group: it's a good way to get people to sit differently than they would. By date works very simply.
The Point for Missions Emphasis: Use coins from different countries and have people pray for that country.
Give prizes out if people's birth year is the same as their coin. Use different size and shape balloons.
Added by Jason Schmock
Also see Balloon Chickens, Balloon Squash, & other "Musical..." games
Balloon Soccer Set up two teams giving each a bunch of balloons. Each team has only one color balloon. The goalie for each team stands opposite his team with a large container. The teams try to get their balloons to their goal and into the container while keeping the other team's balloons out by popping, etc.
See other "Balloon..." games
Banana Dress-Up Each team or group is given a banana and a baggy of random items (felt, foil, beads, etc. - BE CREATIVE). They then are told to create a personality and appearence for their banana with the items they get. One volunteer from each group gets up and introduces their banana to the group. It's better if each group gets different items for varitey.
Added by Jessica Fletcher
See other "Banana - " games
Banana Surgery Have a team peel and cut up a banana into equal parts. (Don�t tell them what comes next until they're done.) Then tell them they must put the banana back together using pins, needles, tape, or whatever. The team with the best, reconstructed banana wins.
If you do this with a big group, use a video feed to a big screen and time the "surgery" so it doesn't drag.
The point: Things taken apart (relationships, reputations, etc.) aren't as easily put back together.
Idea from Young Life
Also see Bubble Gum Sculpture, Fruit Sculpture, Tootsie Roll Sculpture, Chocolate Tower, and other "Banana - " games
Barnyard This is a good game to divide into teams for the day/evening. Have pre-made cards for more than enough kids. Come up with as many animals as you want teams that night. If you want four teams, have four animals. If you predict 35 kids that night make forty cards, four groups of ten. Each group of ten cards will have a particular animal written on it (so you will have 10 chicken cards, 10 cow cards, 10 donkey cards and 10 pig cards). Hand out cards randomly to the kids and tell them to not tell anyone their animal. When you give the signal, have them make the sound of their animal as loud as possible until they find their entire group. First group to totally find each other wins.
Put a twist on the game by putting in only ONE card that says "donkey" and giving it to a very secure student (but don't tell him/her they're the only donkey).
After all of the animals have found each other, there will still be one poor kid out there Hee-Hawing his head off to no avail!
Also see Banana Stuff, Clumps, & Your Number Is Up
Baseball Team Quiz (MLB) Like Football Team Quiz on this game page. Either big or small group. For a big group, break up into groups of 4 requiring at least one person on each team to be a little baseball savvy. Pass out one copy of the following list of clues of pro-teams to each team.
For small group, provide one sheet per person. (Answers in parentheses; of course you'll copy this list off without the answers.) The first team to bring their completed list to you wins (or as many as they can come up with). Give prizes to each team member (a candy bar, mug, etc.).
Name the Major League Baseball Team that is described by the word puzzle.
1. Kings and queens are these_________________(Royals) 2. They�re not cowards ________________(Braves) 3. Short for Metros _________________(Mets) 4. Crimson stockings__________________(Red Sox) 5. Physical activities __________________ (Athletics) 6. Satan�s sun beams __________________ (Devil Rays) 7. Nemo�s dad ____________________ (Marlins) 8. Red birds __________________ (Cardinals) 9. Crimson, burgundy, scarlet, etc. ____________ (Reds) 10. Cheese steak sandwiches ____________________ (Phillies) 11. Striped jungle cats _______________________ (Tigers) 12. David rocks their world __________________ (Giants) 13. Elite southern cops; Walker is one ________________ (Rangers) 14. Hard to hit _______________ (Dodgers) 15. Non-colored coverings for your feet __________________ (White Sox) 16. If you won State then you might go here ________________ (Nationals) 17. They make beer _______________ (Brewers) 18. Jack Sparrow and Captain Hook _______________ (Pirates) 19. A mountain chain _______________ (Rockies) 20. Baby bears _______________ (Cubs) 21. Men of the sea _______________ (Mariners) 22. The Jetson�s dog, NASA�s fave team ____________ (Astros) 23. Black and orange birds ______________ (Orioles) 24. Native Americans ___________________ (Indians) 25. Navy, royal or baby + 10th letter of alphabet ____________ (Blue Jays) 26. Spanish for fathers ________________ (Padres) 27. Heavenly beings _______________ (Angels) 28. The North in the Civil War _____________ (Yankees) 29. A girl�s best friend on your non-front, deadly snakes ____________ (Diamond Backs) 30. They look the same _________________ (Twins)
Added by Jason Schmock
Also see Football Team Quiz (NFL)
Battle of the Bagels Place tape on the floor in two places, one for a starting line and one for a finishing line. These may be as far apart as you wish. Have as many players come up to the line with their bagel ready. They stand on the starting and line and pitch their bagel to the other line. The one closest to the finish line, wins. You can keep going with eliminating players as you go along so you can finish with the best bagel throwers. This is like pitchin' pennies or horse shoes.
Added by Michelle Kolbeck
Battle of The Nuts Messy but simple game for groups under 50. Get a few bags of peanuts in the shell. Give every student one peanut. Have them go around and challenge each other to a BATTLE of the NUTS by simply pressing their peanuts up against each other until one of them breaks the shell. The student with their peanut still intact in their shell is the winner. When there are only two kids left standing, have them come up and battle to the finish! Play energetic music in the background.
Added by Jay Kim
Also see Counting Game
Big Bad Wolf Give 4-6 person teams enough newspaper and tape to build a newspaper shelter of some kind. It must be big enough to get three team members inside. The Big Bad Wolf (youth leader) then attempts to blow the shelter down. Award prize to the best job. Afterward, have a giant paper fight.
Have Hand sanitizer & paper towels handy or have everyone wash their hands right after since newspaper stains.
Idea from Young Life
Big Bootie You can use any size group with this game. Sit in a circle and designate someone to be the "Bootie" (or "Bum" for our cool British friends). Number everyone off (they have to remember their number). In unison everyone must clap their hands once then slap their legs. Do this during the whole game.
Now to the game. At the beginning, chant and clap, "Aahhh, big bootie, big bootie, big bootie, big bootie, ohhh yehhh, big bootie� (or, "Big Bum, big bum...").
The designated "Bootie" says, "Bootie to the two!" No. 2 has to respond and say, "2 to the (any number)!" Make sure that you clap only once as you say "2 to the--!" Then slap your leg once as you say a number. Whoever claps or slaps their leg more than once as they call out a number is out! Like Zip Zap, the game may be confusing at first. But once the kids get it they can go really fast.
Added by Fire Team Youth FBC Langley, OK
Also see Zip Zap & Zip Zap Bop
Blind Draw Good Small Group game. Everyone in the group is given a sheet of paper and a pen. They are given 3 minutes or more to draw what they want. But the lights are all turned out during the time of drawing. The pictures are judged and winner gets a prize.
Idea from Young Life
See other "Blind..." & "Blindfolded..." games
Blind Shoe Grab Arrange chairs in a circle. All of the Cinderellas (girls) in the group select a chair. The Prince Charmings (boys) each pick a girl and kneel in front of her. He removes her shoes and holds them in his hand. Then the girls blindfold the guys. The leader calls for the shoes and they are thrown into the middle of the circle.
On the signal, the guys crawl to the center and attempt to find their Cinderella's shoes. Each girl can only shout out instructions to her prince. After finding the shoes the princesses each crawl back to their Cinderella and put her shoes on correctly.
Also see Shoe Pile, Shoe Stretch, Shoe Tie, & other "Blind..." & "Blindfolded..." games
Blinded By Money Divide your group into pairs. Issue each pair two pennies. Have everyone form a giant circle. Place a big garbage can or cardboard box in the center.
One person tilts head back and places pennies over each closed eye (Contact lens wearers be careful). The object is for each person to dup their pennies in the container, following the verbal direction of their partner, who may not touch them.
The Point: Kickstarter for discussion on money, greed, priorities, friends, or hearing God�s voice. Point out the confusion that may have occurred with all the pairs going at once, crowing around the container, �blinded by money�, trying to hear their partner�s directions.
Also see Penny on the Chin Mixer & any of our other "Blind..." games
Blow-Pop Necklace Buy enough Blow-Pops (Blow-Pops, not cheap suckers - students have to LIKE what you use) for three times the amount of students and staff you have. Take string or yarn, cut it at arms' width and tie them to the individual "Blow Pops." You now have enough "Blow-Pop" Necklaces for each student and staff to have three.
As students and staff arrive, place three Blow-Pop necklaces on their necks. Inform them that they can not use the word "I" until a designated time (when you usually bring things together and start). If you use the word "I" and someone catches you, they can have one of your Blow-Pop necklaces. This can be quite funny because when someone catches someone else, they usually blow it by saying, "I caught you!" or, "I get one of your necklaces!"
At the end of this time, give away a prize (besides Blow Pops) for the person with the most necklaces.
Feel free to add or subtract from this idea. You can also use "Ring Pops" instead.
Board Lift For this upfront game you need a blindfold and a 2x10 board at least 3 to 4 feet long � strong enough to support someone's weight. Point: Trust and/or things aren't always what they seem.
Have two informed strong leaders on either side of the board they are going to "lift" with someone standing on it. Have several informed 'spotters' as well that can catch them any way they would stumble. Then, select three players who don't have a fear of heights and have them escorted out of the room.
Have your first player escorted back in. Tell them the object of this game is to see who can stand on the board longest as the guys lift it up a little at a time. This is a �test of bravery.� But assure them that they are going to have one (or both) hands on your shoulders as they are lifted up on the board. Now blindfold your victim. In actuality, the board holders aren't going to lift the board more than six inches off the ground. By virtue of person's weight they will naturally move and �shift' the board a little. You (or the game leader) will begin to kneel down slowly till they almost can't really touch your shoulders. At that point the person really thinks they are going up in the air! Have your spotters play it up to the crowd and motion them to cheer and react as though the board is being lifted up high. Then have your two guys tip the board over so the person falls off. They think they're falling 5 feet when it's only 5". Clap for that player, excuse them back to their seat, and go on to your next victim�er, player.
The Point: Trust; things aren't always as they appear
Added by Travis
Also see Trust Circle, Trust Lift, other "Blind..." & "Blindfolded..." games
Bobbing for Spam Small groups - all can play. Large group - upfront game.
Fill up a large bucket with water, drop in a few large chunks of Spam. The rest is like "Bobbing for Apples" (just not with apples).
Added by Gavin Gramstad
See other "Bobbing For..." games
Body Parts (aka Foot to Ear) For this game you only need a boom box (sound system) and a fun, upbeat song. It's kind of like Musical Chairs, only more fun to MC.
It works best with an even # of people. Have any "extra" be a judge, who stands on a chair for a better view.
Students pair up with one standing in a circle and the other standing next to their partner outside of the circle.
When the music starts, have the inner circle walk clockwise and the outer circle walk counter-clockwise. When the music stops the leader yells out two body parts (e.g. "Foot to ear!" "Nose to the inside of the elbow!" "Top of the head to the back of the knee!"). Partners scramble to get to each other and put those designated body parts together.
Fun & funny game . . . just think before you yell, (e.g. don't yell "chest to head!").
Also see Big Squeeze, The & other "Musical..." games
Brother and Sister Like the old tv game show, "The Newlywed Game" only with siblings.
The Point: Just because you're related to someone doesn't mean you know them. Relationships take effort no matter if you're related or not!
Get several sets of siblings to play this game- see which siblings know each other the best. (select siblings that can be a good sport and won't mind answering the below questions.) A brother and sister couple must work together to score the highest points possible to win. The brother is sent out of the room and the sister answers a series of questions about her brother. She records her answers on a large sheet of paper.
When the brother returns, he sits in a chair with his sister standing behind him holding up her written answers. If their answers match, the couple gets a point. (remember- when you ask the brother the questions that you asked the sister, ask them like this: "1. What did your sister say was the dumbest thing you . . .")
Repeat this process by sending the sister out of the room and asking the brother to answer questions. Tally the scores and award the prize. Their answers are usually hilarious.
Questions to the sister about her brother: What is the dumbest thing your brother has ever done? What is his favorite food? What do you dislike most about your brother? Describe your brother in one word. What is the meanest thing he has ever done to you? What does he spend most of his time thinking about? If you had one wish, what would you wish about your brother? What is his favorite TV program? How often does he take a bath?
Question to the brother about his sister: What does your sister spend most of her time doing? If you were your sister, what would you change about yourself first? About how many arguments do you have with her each week? Who obeys your mom and dad best, you or your sister? How old was your sister when she kissed a boy for the first time? What animal is your sister most like? What is your sister's favorite subject? How long does she talk on the phone each day? Does she chase boys?
Idea from Young Life
Also see Family Feud
_______________________________________ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" John Piper
09/12/08 15:41
Locatie: Oradea
Inregistat: 03/05/07
Bug Collecting Buy between 2 and 4 bags of those little plastic insects and scatter them around the room. Call students ahead of time and tell them to bring a flash light, (or team up with those who have one).
Turn out the lights and have them try to find the bugs. This game could be called "Animal Safari" if you used little plastic wild animals.
Submitted by Youth for Christ
Build a Word Small group or travel game. The object is to spell a word of more than 3 letters. Each person adds a letter. The person who adds the last letter to a word is out. At any point, someone can add a letter and pretend he�s completing the word. But if the next person challenges them and it�s really not a word, the �bluffer� is out.
Example: 1st person a 2nd t 3rd t 4th r 5th a (or �i� for attribute) 6th c 7th t (This person would be out because he ends a full word.)
If possible, have a dictionary on hand.
Also see Alphabet Game, Mad Sentence Dash, & Sentence Game
Build Your Own Snowman Can be played up-front with audience watching or in teams with the whole group playing.
For each contestant have a bag full of assorted snowman accessories such as a hat, scarf, mittens, a carrot etc. and a pair of safety goggles, a can of shaving cream and a set of clothes to go over their clothes for protection. Each team has a designated amount of time to use the shaving cream to cover their "snowman" (the contestant) and put all of the accessories on. The team to make the nicest looking snowman wins.
Lay tarp down and have towels handy.
Added by Tina Ogle
Captions Small group game. Break up into teams of 3-6. Give each group 5-10 random silly or unusual pictures (photos or from magazines) or project the pictures up on the screen.
Each team comes up with a funny caption for each picture. After a designated time, have a representative from each team come up. One by one, hold up or project the pics and have the reps read the captions.
Cereal Box Pick Up Get the group into a circle. Place a cereal box in the middle. The idea is that each person takes a turn to pick the box up using only their teeth and without bending their knees. When each person has had a turn, make the box smaller by cutting down the sides. Eliminate people as they fail to pick up the box without stumbling over. Repeat until no one (or no box) is left.
Added by Kas Brown
*Also see Cereal Box Puzzle & Cereal Mania
Cereal Box Puzzle Cut off the front panel of several cereal boxes � one for each group you've formed. Then cut up each panel into puzzle shapes- one for each person in the group. Mix together all the pieces and give one to each person and have them compete to find their cereal.
Idea from Young Life
Also see Cereal Box Pick Up & Cereal Mania
Chicken Pox Epidemic Have the contestants "break-out" in chicken pox by covering their arms in washable red marker dots. Give each student a wad of band-aids, and the one who covers the most chicken pox spots in 3 minutes is the winner.
Added by Brooke
Also see Ibble Dibble
Christmas Wish List You don't have to wait til Christmas to play this small group game.
Break students up into groups of 3-6. Provide pens/pencils and pretyped slips of paper or 3x5 cards with the names of celebrities or well known fictional characters (ideas below). Pass one name each to every group or have them choose blindly from a container or your hand.
Give them a pre-determined amount of time to come up with an imaginary wish list for their celebrity. It's up to you if they win based on number of items, originality, or ridiculousness.
Bonus: If you have time, go online to find out what your preselected celebs are into, then give bonus "points" or credit for items that match.
The Point: Kickstarter for a discussion on gifts, giving, prayer (asking God for things), or before Christmas.
Ideas (Also click on http://www.cpyu.org/pageview_p.asp?PageID=9999 for a current look at �who�s hot�; we used some of the names from here, purposely leaving out a few)
Sports star from your state Scrooge Spiderman �Buddy� the Elf from the movie �Elf� with Will Farrell The President Jennifer Aniston Tiger Woods Dr. Phil Steven Spielberg Paul McCartney Oprah Winfrey Tom Hanks Will Smith Hillary Duff Denzel Washington You (or the youth leader, if that�s not you)!
See other "Christmas..." games & Human Christmas Tree
Christmas: Dueling Carolers Divide into 2-4 groups. Give each group 5 minutes to come up with as many Christmas carols as they can. After time is called, each group takes turns singing part of a Christmas carol on their list. If any other group has the same carol on their list, no points are given. If no other group has the carol on their list, they get 100 points. Keep it fast paced. Groups should mark off carols already sung. Group with the most points at the end wins.
Added by John Cook
See other "Christmas..." games & Human Christmas Tree
Closer To God With Balloons Blow up about 50 medium sized round balloons in various colors. Write words or phrases that can bring you closer to God on half of the balloons with a black sharpie marker. Write words or phrases that can draw you away from God on the other half. Keep balloons separate in large garbage bags. Divide youth into two teams. Divide room with tape. Put one team on each side.
Leaders keep throwing the good and bad balloons equally on each side of the net/line. Youth must pick up and read the balloons to determine if good or bad. If bad, they want to throw them on the other side. If good, they want to hold on to them. After all balloons are tossed out of bags by leaders, give your two teams a couple more minutes to play. The team with the most good after subtracting how many bad they have on the floor wins.
The Point: Use with a discussion about things that can bring you closer to God vs. things that pull you away from God. Talk about the differences and how easy or difficult it is to hold on (or maintain) either.
Note: Players must be holding on to the good things to count. Good things on the floor don't count. (Don't give them this hint, but we had kids stuffing the good things up their shirts; really funny.)
Added by Julie Curtis
Clothespin Bite Relay This is set up like any relay with multiple teams, each team with 5 clothespins. Have the first person in line attach the clothespins to their shirt, clothes, or body part, run around a certain designated point and return to have the clothespins removed by the next person in line . . . with their teeth!
Also see Clothespin Mixer & Clothespin on the Face
Clothespin Mixer Pass out about 4-5 clothes pins per kid in the room and instruct them to pin them on their own sleeves. Explain that when the music begins, the object of the game is to get all clothes pins off themselves and on to someone else. Turn off lights and on strobes and music. (You may want to put girls on one side of room and guys on another; guys can get a little frisky sticking clothespins on girls).
Explain that when the lights come on, one or two people should have about 100 pins on them - pull them up and parade the winner.
At the end you won't want them playing with the pins all night during the talk, so dress a tough kid or leader up front in protective gear (motorcycle helmet with face shield, chest protector or thick jacket, turtleneck, scarf, gloves, shin guards, thick pants, etc.); and put a bulls-eye on their chest. Tell everybody to grab all their clothes pins and bring in your human target and play music as they throw or pin their clothes pins at him. Kids can't believe they are doing this, and when you stop the music, all your pins are gathered up at the front.
Added by Young Life
See Clothespin Bite Relay, Clothespins On Face, & other "Musical..." games
_______________________________________ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" John Piper
09/12/08 15:41
Locatie: Oradea
Inregistat: 03/05/07
Clumps Any size room. Easy game used to divide your group into teams. Simply yell, "Form a group according to . . . (height, hair color, # cavities, # siblings, shirt color, etc.)." If you're looking for a certain number of people per team, just say, "Form a group of 7!" If you end up with a remainder, then have staff go around and divide the leftovers on teams.
Also see Keys & Your Number is Up
Communication Challenge Give everyone a number. They have to arrange themselves in numerical order by communicating with each other without speaking or holding up fingers. They make up their own sub-language or sign-language and it often is pretty amusing. For Round Two, have people arrange themselves in order of birth or in calendar months (like the game, Mute Organization).
Added by Youth For Christ
Also see Inversion, Mute Organization, & Numbers Race
Condiment Twister Exactly like Twister, only you spread a condiment over each of the color circles. Lay a big tarp down under the Twister mat.
Grape Jelly for blue, mustard for yellow, ketchup for red, and relish on the green circles. Make sure that you have plastic bags and masking tape to cover the volunteers with, so clothes aren't ruined. Have their faces, hands, and feet (shoes and socks off) exposed. Then change the places on the spinning board to right/left cheek, right/left ear, nose, right/left hand, right/left foot. When you spin, you call out which body part goes where. i.e right cheek to blue, left leg to green, right hand to yellow. It is a mess and a riot. It does get slippery, so make sure you have staff there to help when people start flying around. Have a place for students to clean up after.
Added by Brian Carpenter
Also see Messy Message, Messy Mix, & Messy Plexi, Twister, Slime Twister, & Twister Testimony
Counting Game Have everyone in your group pair up and face each other. Each person holds up zero to ten fingers behind their back. On the count of three, have them pull their hands from behind their backs. The first person to yell out the correct sum of all the fingers wins. Do best two of three. Then bring the winners up front to play each other until you have a champion.
Also see Counting Game Variation: The Math Game
Counting Game Variation: The Math Game Competitors hold just one hand behind their back, revealing the number of fingers at the signal. Whoever yells out the sum of the fingers wins the first round. For Round 2, multiply the fingers. Round 3 is the difference between the two numbers. Rotate through as many rounds as you want. For the left-brained at heart, the Championship Round has the two survivors (who you'll bring up front) square the total of the two sets of fingers. For example, Person A shows three fingers, Person B shows four, so the winning answer is 3+4 = 7 * 7=49
Added by Youth For Christ
Also see Counting Game
CPW (Cotton Projectile Wars) Divide into two teams and give each member a straw and a pile of Q-tips. One team member from each side sits on their side of the room on a chair with a paper cup on their head.
The object is to knock the opposite team's paper cup off the person's head by blowing the Q-tips through the straws. No blocking Q-tips by anyone during the battle.
Also see Q-tip War
Do You Love Your Neighbor? You need chairs for this game. Have everyone sit in a circle. There should be one less seat than there are people, and the extra person stands in the middle. The person standing approaches someone who is seated and asks him, "Do you love your neighbor?" The seated person can answer two ways. If he says, "No," then the people seated directly next to him have to switch seats as quickly as possible so that the standing person doesn't get one. If he says, "Yes," he must add a qualifying statement such as, "But I don't like people who have blue eyes." Anyone who matches the description must get up and find a different seat. Whoever is left standing is then the "asker."
Added by Sheri Blaise
Also see Honey, if You Love me You'll Smile
Dollar Surprise Mingling game. One or two people have a dollar. Everyone goes around shaking hands. Persons with dollar pass dollar off to tenth person he shakes hands with. Keep going...if you get the dollar, pass off to tenth person. When music stops, person with dollar keeps it.
Added by Young Life
Also see Hi, My Name Is & Mingle for Money
Draw On My Back This game is based on the old "telephone game" but involves touch rather than hearing. No talking is allowed.
Divide the group into teams of about six each. Each team sits in a line, one behind the other. The last person is shown a simple hand drawn picture of an object such as a house, a cat, or a Christmas tree, for example. The person who is shown the drawing then tries to draw an exact copy of it, using their fingers, on the back of the person in front of them. The drawing can only be done once. The second person then draws what they felt onto the back of the person in front of them.
This continues until it gets to the person at the front of the line, that person then must draw what he or she felt, on a piece of paper. The team whose picture most resembles the original wins.
Duck, Duck, Drip Outdoor or Indoor game. Just like Duck, Duck, Goose except with a cup of water that the person drips, drips, drips then drops on the person they want to chase them around the circle!
Added by Amy Hackman
Also see Duck, Duck, Goose With a Twist
Duck, Duck, Goose With a Twist Outdoor or Indoor game. Play this childhood favorite just like Duck-Duck-Goose. Only, you�ll "goose" the player who gets tapped with a real egg. Nasty but good for the hair!
NOTE: Either forewarn your students to wear grubby clothes, provide wet washcloths and/or towels, or have garbage bags with holes to pull over their heads.
Added by Kyle Connell
Also see Duck, Duck, Drip
Egg Swing See Flour Swing, only instead of flour, use an egg. Imagine the possibilities!
Added by Jennifer Spaeth
See other "Egg..." games
Egg, Chicken, Dinosaur The goal of this game is to work your way up by beating other players at Rock-Scissors-Paper to the �position� of king or queen.
Everyone starts out as an egg. You find another egg and play Rock-Scissors-Paper. The winner "grows" into a chicken who finds another chicken to play against. Whoever wins "grows" into a dinosaur. The loser returns to being an egg.
Once a dinosaur you must find another dinosaur to play against. If you lose you step down to a chicken. The next step is becoming a prince or princess, which of course means playing against another prince or princess. If you win you become a King or Queen and stand off to the side. If you lose you return to a dinosaur. The game is played until there is one egg, chicken, dinosaur and prince. All other players will be kings or queens.
The fun in all this?: Eggs waddle on the ground in a little ball, chickens walk and squat while flapping their wings and "clicking", dinosaurs "roar" standing up. Princes/princesses "prance" around holding an imaginary scepter while kings and queens stand off to the side victoriously.
Added by Brad Williams
Also see Ape, Man, Girl & Ninja, Gun, Gorilla
_______________________________________ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" John Piper
09/12/08 15:42
Locatie: Oradea
Inregistat: 03/05/07
Electric Orange Game, The Outdoor or Indoor game. Just like Grab It (on this game list), except team members grab an orange instead of soap or marble in an ice bucket. It requires less resources, is a great last minute game, and can produce some "orange juice" if your youth group is as violent as mine!
Added by Amy Hackman
Also see Grab It
Encore This is a simple game that tests kids' ability to think fast. Divide into teams (could be upper vs. lower classmen, girls vs. guys, etc.). Yell out a word that is commonly found in songs (love, road, river, girl, baby, need . . . ). The teams must sing a song in unison (together) using that word. The first team to do it wins a point. Play as long as they like it.
Fall Of Faith This game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches.
A youth ministry classic. Get a person to stand backward on a chair while the rest of the group prepares to catch him or her. Tell the person that they need to fall with their body as straight as possible.
The Point: Team building; a good game for a leadership event.
Added by Scott Street
Find Someone Who Great for large or small groups. Give out the "Find Someone Who" list to students and have them go from student to student looking for someone who meets the descriptions on their list.
Example: Find someone who is wearing blue pants. The student who fits this description signs their name. Students then go off to find someone else that meets another description on their list. The winner is the one who has their sheet filled out first and most accurately. You should read aloud the list with the person's name who signed it. Have the student who signed the list verify the information.
Example: Find someone who can belch the alphabet. If Joe signed that item, have Joe come up and demonstrate.
Items needed:
• Find Someone List (make one up and make enough copies for everyone.)
• Pencils or pens
• Find someone who has a birthday in February and have him/her sign their initials here. ______________________
• Find someone who has been to Colorado before and leapfrog over him/her. Then have the person initial here._____________________
• Get seven leaders to sign the back of this sheet.
• Find someone who has a birthday this month and sing "Happy Birthday" to them Have the person initial here.___________________
• Find someone to listen to you say "toy boat" ten times quickly. Then have them initial here.____________________
• Get three other people to link arms with you and do the cheer "lean to the left, lean to the right, stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight!" Have each person initial here.____________________________
• Give someone your ugliest face and have them initial here.__________________
• With two other people, face the front of the room, put your hand over your heart, and say the "Pledge of Allegiance" in unison. Initial each other's papers.___________________
• Have someone tell you about the best Christmas gift they ever received. Then have them initial here.____________________
• Get a hair over 5 inches long from someone else's head. Let them pull it out. Have the person initial here._________________
• Give someone a backrub and have them initial here.___________________
• Find someone who has blue eyes and have them initial here.__________________
• Find someone who is left-handed and have them initial here.________________
Find Someone Who Bingo Same as Find Someone Who (above on this game list) but the "Find Someone Who's" are organized in Bingo rows on a piece of paper (a Find Someone Who Bingo Card). First one to get 5 across, down or diagonal wins.
Football Team Quiz (NFL) Either big or small group. For a big group, break up into groups of 4 requiring at least one person on each team to be a football fan. Pass out one copy of the following list of clues of pro-teams to each team.
For small group, provide one sheet per person. (Answers in parentheses; of course you'll copy this list off without the answers.) The first team to bring their completed list to you wins (or as many as they can come up with). Give prizes to each team member (a candy bar, mug, etc.).
What are these pro football teams???
NFL NAME QUIZ Based on the clues, figure out the names of the NFL teams.
1. A dollar for corn (Buccaneers) 2. Native American epidermis (Redskins) 3. Sun-tanned bodies (Browns) 4. What you pay (Bills) 5. They don't dodge or male goats (Rams) 6. 747, B1B, Concorde, F15... (Jets) 7. 7 Squared (49ers) 8. David could stone them (Giants) 9. Iron workers (Steelers) 10. Black birds of prey (Falcons) 11. Norse warriors (Vikings) 12. Kodiak, black, polar, koala... (Bears) 13. Not sinners but... (Saints) 14. Red birds (Cardinals) 15. Rodeo animals (Broncos) 16. Native American Leaders (Chiefs) 17. Called bald (Eagles) 18. Ocean going birds (Seahawks) 19. Hostile invaders (Raiders) 20. Credit card users (Chargers) 21. Boxers (Packers) 22. King of beasts (Lions) 23. Look like fish, but are mammals (Dolphins) 24. One-time British enemies (Patriots) 25. American gauchos (Cowboys) 26. Certain type of tiger (Bengals) 27. Young and fast horses (Colts) 28. People from the Lone Star State (Texans) 29. Spotted cats or expensive cars (Jaguars) 30. Heavy breathers (play on phonics) (Panthers) 31. Large birds of the crow family (Ravens) 32. Remember them (Titans)
Updated (Sep 2004) by Jason Schmock
Also see Baseball Team Quiz (MLB)
Four Corners Any size room. Choose an assistant, preferably a leader, to come up front. The assistant will turn his or her back from the group or put on a blind fold. Then explain that the entire group must choose to stand in one of the four corners of the room which are numbered from 1 to 4. The assistant will then yell out a number from 1 to 4 and everyone in that corner must have a seat. Once those people have a seat people in the remaining 3 corners are given time to switch corners to any of the 4 corners. Then another number is yelled out and those students sit down.
Keep calling out corners and having them switch around until there is only one or a few people who are the winners. It gets the whole group moving and having fun and takes no preparation to play.
Added by Scott Williams
Four on a Couch Great Small Group Game: Create a circle with chairs and one couch - enough seats for everyone playing plus one extra seat. 2 girls and 2 guys start off by sitting on the couch; everyone else in the chairs. Give every person playing a paper to write their name on. They are to turn their names in to you.
Mix the names up and redistribute them back to the youth, making sure no one gets their own name. They are not to tell which name they have. The purpose of the game is for the guys to get all 4 guys on the couch and the girls to get all 4 girls on the couch. The person to the left of the empty seat calls out a name of someone in the circle. Whoever is HOLDING THAT NAME (not the one whose name it is, i.e John calls Amy's name, and Jeff is holding Amy's name.) gets up and sits on the empty chair. The person who called the name and the person who sat on the chair, then exchange papers with names on it (that way the same name does not stay with the same person, it makes it more challenging). The person to the left of the new empty seat calls a new name. (the same name cannot be repeated 2x in a row)
Again, the purpose is for the guys to get the 2 girls off the couch and vice versa. This is a really fun game but it can last a long time.
Added by Leah
French Charades This game is played like the old "Elephant Pantomime" but since you don�t restrict the act to any one theme, it can be played as often as you like with the same group.
Divide into teams of 5-7 people. Have members of one team leave the room while the others think of a situation which can be acted out without words. Then bring in one person from the team that was sent out. Explain the situation he or she will be acting out.
Now bring in the second person from that team. Without saying a word, Person #1 must act out the assigned plot for Person #2. Person #2 may or may not understand the charade, but he or she must subsequently act out the same situation for a third member of the team. Person#3 performs the charade for Person#4, and so on.
The last person must guess the original story line.
Remember, all this is done in complete silence. Even the simplest charade can undergo a thorough metamorphosis after being passed down several times. If the lost person cannot guess the charade, person #1 should perform it again and let the last person guess once more.
Here are some classic French charade situations to spur your creativity.
Charade 1: The original pantomime that you do could include the following: pull the elephant into the room on a rope; tie the rope at a stake; dip a rag in a pail and wash the side of the elephant jumping high to get all the way to the top; crawl underneath, wash his belly and legs; go to the front and wash the trunk inside and out and wash the elephant�s ears as well; and then, wash under his tail (hold your nose).
Charade 2: You are a high school beauty pageant contestant, anxiously awaiting the announcement of the winner. Suddenly you hear your name! You now step forward to receive your crown and roses. Then comes you victory walk down the aisle, waving to the crowd, you encounter many misfortunes. First, you are allergic to the roses, so you begin to sneeze, but you keep on going waving and sneezing to the crowd. Then, on the way back up the aisle, your high heel breaks and you finish the walk with one heel missing!
Charade 3: You're are a pregnant bird about to give birth. You must fly around the room gathering materials for your nest. Once you make your nest, you lay your egg. Then finish the charade by hatching the egg and finding a worm to feed your new baby.
Added by Young Life
_______________________________________ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" John Piper
09/12/08 15:43
Locatie: Oradea
Inregistat: 03/05/07
Acum iau o pauza. Mai am de 3-4 ori inca atat, pe care o sa le postez cu alta ocazie; deci daca aveti alte jocuri in afara de astea, abia astept sa le citesc .
_______________________________________ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" John Piper
09/12/08 15:45
admin forum
 Locatie: Germania
Inregistat: 15/10/05
cum era daca le si traduceai ?
_______________________________________ Every Day Brings New Blessings
09/12/08 17:43
 Locatie: going over Jordan
Inregistat: 08/11/06
exact ,nu toti stiu engleza [bine ca nu imi trebe jocuri ,ca nu ma pun sa caut in dictionar] Si fa-le un rezumat :P
_______________________________________ "se spune ca-i nevoie de curaj pentru-a muri, eu spun ca trebuie curaj pentru-a trai; si stii ca toti oamenii mor, dar nu toti oamenii traiesc .. e greu cand trebuie sa treci zilnic inca un test."
09/12/08 18:02
Locatie: Oradea
Inregistat: 03/05/07
april a scris:
cum era daca le si traduceai ? |
poate daca nu aveam altceva de facut :p. Oricum, daca are cineva nevoie de un joc si nu stie a traduce, il ajut desigur .
Ultima modificare de bornagain (09/12/08 21:40)
_______________________________________ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" John Piper
09/12/08 21:21
 Locatie: Dublin, Ireland
Inregistat: 06/11/08
Am citit alea in engleza si imi aduce amintiri de scoala, haha.
Am crezut la inceput ca mie dor de scoala dar dupa un timp am realizat ca nu imi e dor de scoala, doar ce mie dor sa port un ghiozdan si uniforma (nu era comfortabila dar dor e dor).
_______________________________________ Proverbele 18:2 Nebunului nu-i este de învăţătură, ci vrea să arate ce ştie el. http://iaebetel.blogspot.com/
09/12/08 23:45
Felicitari Craciun, Felicitari cu ocazia Craciunului si Anului Nou, Felicitari electronice de sarbatori, Felicitari cu mesaj crestin Nasterea Domnului, Mesaje sarbatori de iarna, Urari de Anul nou, Urari sarbatori |
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